This blog is an interesting one for me to write. Tooting my own horn, so to speak, is not something I’m accustomed to, or comfortable, doing. Yet here I sit at my computer inspired to do exactly that today. As one of my mentor’s once told me: “If anyone is going to think you’re great, it might as well be you.”
Earlier I received an email from a woman named Kat Loterzo who helps other women realize the power within themselves to live the lives they dream about, whatever those dreams may be. In her email she writes: You KNOW you were born for more. And, she’s absolutely right. She is absolutely freakin' right! I know it. I’ve always known it. (At least part of me has always known it.)
I am realizing it’s that seed of greatness in me that causes me to become disquieted, agitated, and sometimes outright angry when I’m playing it small and trying to fit in—trying to live by other people’s expectations, rules and the limits they place on themselves, and indirectly me. After all, among the many things we have in common as humans is our deep desire/need to be loved and accepted and at some point in our life—likely between birth and age 7—we learned that love and acceptance is conditional upon our being like others and doing what we’re told or what is expected. So we do. Yet the seed to be more remains.
It’s that seed of greatness that causes me to want to scream out loud like a woman trapped in a small, cramped space, for seemingly no reason. It’s my spirit trying to get my attention. On the surface, all may appear to be going well by societal standards, yet she wants me to know that she’s feeling confined, claustrophobic—that she longs to do more, be more, have more, experience more. She wants to be released to live the life she dreams about. She wants to experience in reality what she’s experiencing in her imagination. She wants to experience financial freedom; nurturing, loving, empowering relationships; a strong, healthy body; a life filled with passion and purpose; control over how she spends her time; a home along the water; freedom to choose her destiny; and more, so much more. And she can. The only one really stopping her is... ME.
I was born for more. I was born for greatness; all of us were. We were born to solve a problem that only we can solve, to have an impact on the world that only we can. Each one of us has the capacity within to be geniuses, great leaders, great artists, healers, or world transformers. It is why so many of us are disquieted with our jobs, our relationships, our homes, our governments, our lives. It’s why many of us experience stress, depression, and other health issues. Our spirits are trying to get our attention. We look for a savior outside of ourselves, but that savior is already within. Our spirits know that we are infinite beings capable of achieving far more than we've allowed ourselves to imagine. Our spirits are trying to tell us: “You were born for more.”
So, I'm going for the more, and I encourage you to do the same. Allow yourself to be all that you are capable of being and doing all that you are capable of doing, no matter what anyone else thinks. Silence the fearful child within by letting him or her know it’s okay to be fully you.
Whatever it is you’re desiring, whatever it is you’ve been dreaming, go after it—one step, one day at a time. Become obsessed by it and dare to step into your greatness. If not now, then when?
"If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place." - Nora Roberts
"...if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and
endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a
success unexpected in common hours..." - Henry D. Thoreau