Friday, May 6, 2016

I Choose to Be Enough

I appreciate self-help books and advice. Because I’ve always tended to be very introspective, I find that I’m always examining my life, my attitudes, and my beliefs and whether they are in alignment with the type of person I want to be. I commit myself to continually learning and putting into practice ways to become my very best self. So, I appreciate information that offers insight to help you grow, evolve, and improve yourself with the goal of becoming the person you aspire to be. And that’s a good thing, right?

Perhaps. Unless it leads you down the path of believing that you are in essence a broken, damaged person in continual need of fixing and, hence, not worthy or able to enjoy a good life until you make things right. Energy flows where attention goes, so placing constant focus on fixing all of the stuff that you think, or someone is telling you, is wrong with you, can have the unintended consequence of perpetuating the very things that you think are “wrong” with you.

Curiously, this week as I was going through my meditations, I found myself feeling more than a little resentful, anxious, and downright annoyed wondering when would I get to the place where I have purged myself enough of all my negative characteristics, blocks and limiting beliefs to finally begin receiving all the good I desire. At the point where I was just about to throw up my hands and say "screw it," it suddenly occurred to me that what I needed to do was shift my focus.

I once heard someone describe grace as unmerited or unearned favor. It suggests that the things we consider blessings aren’t earned; they are freely given, quite simply because the giver—God, the universe, the angels, my higher self—wanted you and I to experience them. Grace is what causes the sun to shine on the just and unjust alike. The desires of my heart are mine for the taking!

So what would happen if in this moment I choose to believe that my worthiness or unworthiness doesn’t matter? What if I release myself from karma and give myself permission to have or experience whatever I want simply by choosing to do so? What if I decided that there is no dream or desire too grand for me? How would this change how I look at myself and the world? How would this change how I wake up in the morning? How would this change what I am willing to ask for and allow into my life?

What if my deservedness IS completely irrelevant, and all that is required for me to experience the desires of my heart is making the choice to receive them?

I choose to allow into my life all that I desire. I choose to live in divine health. I choose to have a fit and lean body. I choose to eat well and enjoy the cake, dammit! I choose to be playful, youthful, and full of energy. I choose to fully embrace my feminine energy. I choose to express my sensual self. I choose to be successful on my terms. I choose to be loved. I choose to be loving. I choose to have control over how I spend my time. I choose to pay my bills ahead of time. I choose to have an abundance of money flow into my life daily with ease and grace. I choose to drive a Mercedes SUV. I choose to live in luxury. I choose to be surrounded by beauty. I choose to be in joy daily. I choose to have fun. I choose to dance more, sing more, and laugh more. I choose to have clients who value my expertise and who are easy to work with. I choose to be with people who are joyful and who add to my joy.

I choose to be enough now to experience all of the good the universe has to offer.