Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Angels Watching Over Me—An Experiential Revelation of God's Promises

"For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone." - Psalms 91:11-12

Do you believe in angels? I do. I can recall having had a few angelic encounters in my lifetime. The first was a little more than 10 years ago, when my nephew was about 3 years old. Well, it was actually more his encounter, but I was with him when he kept insisting that there was someone waving and smiling at him from among the trees next to his grandparents home as we played on the porch. Overprotective aunt that I can sometimes be, I was at first extremely concerned that some stranger was hanging out in the bushes. So, I surveyed the area as carefully as was safe and saw no one, but I did notice a strange light coming from the area, and my nephew was certainly convinced someone was there.

Another encounter happened about two years ago, following the second surgery to remove my thyroid. Six people entered the operating room with me that day: my surgeon, the assisting surgeon, the anesthesiologist and her assistant, a nurse and an intern. A skeleton crew compared to the typical number of hospital personnel in an OR I was told. When I awoke about three hours later in the OR, I saw the previously mentioned six and about a dozen others standing around the room's perimeter as if keeping guard. Some might suppose it was the after effects of the anesthesia. Well, you can believe what you want, but something unusual happened to me in the OR that day that I suspect required divine intervention as I felt quite beaten up following and was taken to the cardiac wing to recover. (I was in much better condition after the first surgery!) Besides, I have Scripture to back me up. There's Psalm 91:11-12, which I quote at the beginning of this blog; Matthew 4:11; Hebrews 1:14; Hebrews 13:2; Revelation 7:11; and a host of others. Search it out for yourself.

Today, I had another angelic encounter and experienced first-hand how very literal God's promises are. It was about 12:30 when I headed out the front entry of my office building to walk across campus to visit my sister in her new office. I proceeded down the beautiful stone steps that grace the entry of my office building, and my mind becomes quickly preoccupied with the unexpected, but absolutely gorgeous, spring like weather (If you live in the northern U.S., you can appreciate what a treat a day like today is this time of year!). I'm practically ready to break out in song (really!) when the sole or heel of my boot gets caught in my pants leg and I start to tumble down the stone steps at an angle and head first. And there is nothing within reach for me to even try to grab onto to break the fall.

My first thought is... do I even have to say? What is one most likely thinking while falling down stone steps, head first? My next thought is "please God, don't let me hit my head." But before I can even scream for help, it felt as if someone slipped their hand under my right shoulder, lifted and turned me lengthwise onto the step. I immediately stopped falling. I didn't hit my head, and miraculously nothing was twisted, broken or sprained. In fact, the only injury I suffered (other than hurt feelings) was a skinned pinky. And as I looked around trying to make sense of what had just happened, I quickly realized that even if I had screamed for help, there was no human around to hear me. Within a few moments, I'm up on my feet as though I hadn't even fallen, and I continue walking to my sister's office.

After I arrived home tonight, I checked myself out again. Other than some mild soreness around my knee, there's no bruising and no swelling anywhere. Turns out, God literally does mean what He says about sending His angels to watch over His children. "If you stumble, [his angels will] catch you; their job is to keep you from falling." (Psalm 91:12 - The Message)

Of course, I will be more mindful when walking down or up stairs, but I feel eternally grateful and secure knowing that wherever I go, whatever I do, angels are watching over me. Thank you Lord for angels!! Thank you angels for keeping watch.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Never Give Up

My first post of 2013! I have waited and waited patiently since January 1 for the inspiration for my first post of this year. Today, I found it (or it found me).

All things truly are possible!! And watching Mr. Putra share his story gives me courage to share mine (especially as testimony that I have personal experience with miracles). 

In 2007, I suffered a mild stroke and lost the use of my entire right side. The diagnosis by the ER doctors completely confounded me and them as I wasn't anywhere near "stroke age." As my doctors discussed treatment options with me, they tried to be encouraging, but were also very careful to not get my hopes up by letting me know that I might not regain full use of my right side. Being very independent, almost defiantly so, this wasn't something I was willing to accept. (It was, however, a wake up call to my learning to take better care of myself.) Although my doctors and physical therapist were anticipating that I would spend at least 16 weeks in rehab, I pretty much back to normal after only 9 weeks of rehab.

I remember those first few weeks were tough. It seemed I couldn't do any of the things I was being asked. I remember breaking down in heaving sobs one night while at home because I couldn't open a jar of peanut butter (did I mention, I'm right-handed.) Still, I was determined. And my experience in rehab actually turned out to be one of the best things for me. Prior to the stroke, I had been "threatening" to return to the gym and start a regular exercise program. I even made a few half-hearted attempts, but just wasn't feeling up to the task. Forced to work out twice a week with a physical therapist to regain the use of my right side and my independence, I discovered that I'm far more capable than I realized of accomplishing anything by sheer force of will and faith. And within two months of completing rehab, I did join a gym. 

Two years later and 100 pounds lighter (that's another story entirely as I dropped 80 of those pounds in 8 months), I danced in my first Freestyles ballroom competition and a few months after that, my first Showcase (which earned me a new nickname"Rumba eyes"). It felt like a dream come true and my instructor had no idea the gift he'd given me. I was a living, walking, dancing miracle. Nearly six years later, I show no signs of ever having had a stroke (even my last CT scan showed no evidence of scarring), have now been dancing for about four years, and still look pretty fierce (just ask my friends!).

Whatever your hopes, whatever your dreams—no matter what anyone has told you, no matter what you have told yourself.... NEVER GIVE UP! 

Life is beautiful.