Sometimes God uses rather unconventional means, at least by pharisees' standards, to speak to me. I realize this shouldn't surprise me at all given the fact that He once used a donkey to convey a message to a prophet. And yet, He really does surprise me with some of the ways He'll let me know He hears and sees—a random Internet search, a church billboard, a soap opera, strangers on the street. Whatever works.
However the messages are transmitted, they provide exactly what I need—encouragement, motivation or a kick in the pants—precisely when I need it. For this, I'm very grateful. I particularly appreciated getting today's perfectly timed message amid what has been a challenging and sometimes heartbreaking few weeks. An email that I almost didn't read because I just wasn't in the mood led me to a page with the following on a Post-it note like graphic:
There's about to be a shift in your life. Get ready for your Blessings! You've been through enough and breakthrough is on the way. Don't doubt it; just claim it.
For over a week, I've been praying for a major change in certain areas of my life. And just a few days ago I decided I wanted to walk in all of God's promises. This morning I woke up asking not only for strength, but also to experience who I am in Him. He sees and He hears.
So, I say "Yes, Jesus. Blessings are mine! Bring it on!"
"Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee." – Isaiah 60:1
My Father loves me with a fierce, passionate, all-consuming, "I-will-die-for-you" love. From before the foundation of the earth, he knew me. He formed me in my mother's womb. He knows when I get up in the morning and when I lay down at night. He knows all of my thoughts afar off. The deepest desires of my heart—that I keep hidden from even my closest companions—He knows. There is nothing of me, in me, or about me that is hid from Him.
My Father numbers the very hairs of my head. To every concern, great or small, He gives attention. Each tear I shed, He sees and captures. When I am sad, when my heart is broken, He comforts me. And when I rejoice, He rejoices with me. When I am in danger, when I am threatened, He unleashes legions of angels to protect me. When I say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing, royally mess up, He is quick to forgive. Nothing can separate me from His ever-abiding love; He has vowed to never let me go. "I am embracing you with Mine own hands," He whispers reassuringly to me.
Before I speak, my Father hears me; while I am asking, He answers. I am His beloved. His treasure. His pearl of great price. The apple of His eye. The workmanship of His hands—fearfully and wonderfully made in His image and daily being transformed into His likeness. I radiate with His beauty and glory as He is in me, and I in Him.
In my Father's eyes, I am beautiful. In my Father's eyes, I am without blemish. In my Father's eyes, I am enough. I am His vessel of honor. I am his temple—His Holy of Holies.
His grace surrounds me continually like a shield, and His blessings overtake me. I've done nothing to deserve so great a love. There is nothing I can do to earn this kind of love. It is His gift to me; it is who He is.