Friday, July 6, 2012

Ten Things for Which I'm Grateful

Several years ago a church in the Midwest launched a campaign to end complaining. I signed up for the challenge, but after about a year, I just kind of fell by the wayside. I hadn't really thought much about it until recently. This week, as I was reading about the Israelites trials in the desert as they headed from Egypt to their promised land, I realized the dangers of complaining. In the face of all the wonderful miracles God performed on their behalf—parting seas, destroying their enemies, sending food from heaven, bringing forth water from rock—the Israelites complained incessantly. They were so focused on the things that they didn't like or that didn't seem to be going their way that they couldn't appreciate or enjoy all of the amazing gifts God had given them, especially his favor. He wanted to bless them even more but could not because of their complaining.

While dealing with an issue at work this morning, I was tempted to behave like the Israelites. In fact, I was on the brink of a "Jesus, really?... Can I get a little help down here?" mini-tirade, when I decided instead to take a walk to the garden behind our office building. As I sat in the garden, staring at the colorful array of flowers and feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin, my entire perspective changed. I suddenly felt very peaceful and blessed, and grateful. Taking advantage of the moment, I made a short list of things I'm grateful for...
  1. This day because it's another opportunity to be blessed.
  2. My job because it's an opportunity to bless others.
  3. Love because it's the source of all that is beautiful in the world.
  4. Health because it's a gift that keeps me alive.
  5. Butterflies because they are evidence that sometimes the most beautiful things emerge from the ugliest of circumstances.
  6. My family because through them I'm learning forgiveness and unconditional love.
  7. My friends because they always think the best of me even when I'm being a brat.
  8. Laughter because it heals better than most medicines.
  9. Music because it lifts my spirit and soul.
  10. Dreams because they help direct my future.
Interestingly, the rest of my work day went very well.

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