Friday, October 5, 2012

Just Imagine the Possibilities

For the past month, I've been reading about the power of imagination and how the world's most significant inventions, innovations, and discoveries have come about as the result of someone daring to imagine that the seemingly impossible is in fact possible. This ability to imagine—to create within your mind vivid images of how you would like your world to look, feel, and be—is something that came quite naturally to us as children. Remember how we played dress up and hosted tea parties with our make-believe friends, or pretended to be knights who rescued the villagers from fire-breathing dragons. Remember how much endless joy we experienced believing that we could be and do anything we wanted until we were taught to grow up and live in the "real" world.

Well, scientists are discovering that imaginative play or thought is essential for children and adults. It's the stuff that fuels dreams and makes them reality

Because I'm learning to reactivate my childlike imagination and because I love all things French (well, almost all things—not a fan of escargot!), I particularly appreciated stumbling across the following inspirational quote today from Jean-Louis Eitienne, a French explorer who is the first man to cross the Artic by hot air balloon.

"Everything looks impossible for the people who never try anything."
And for added inspiration, here's a quote from poet Maya Angelou, who I plan to meet one day:
"If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities."

To this I offer, "The realization of a big dream begins with a big imagination."

So, go ahead... activate your childlike imagination and watch what unfolds. I dare you!

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